5 Juices That Will Burn Your Belly Fat


weight loss juices

Belly fat is the most challenging issue faced by men and women who are trying to lose weight. Burning belly fat isn’t as easy as you think it might be. While rigorous exercises do help a lot in making your tummy flat, it is also important that you follow a strict diet. Juices should form a vital part of this diet. If you include these five juices regularly in your diet, you can burn belly fat quickly.

  1. Carrot juice

We all know that carrots are great sources of Vitamin A, but not many of us know that they aid in weight loss as well. They are loaded with fiber, which helps you to keep your stomach full. Experts recommend drinking a big glass of carrot juice after a healthy breakfast, to avoid unwanted binge-eating before lunch. One of the best characteristics of carrots is that they aid in they promote bile secretion of the liver, which is an important element to help you burn fats in the foods quickly. You can just blend carrots and water, or you may also add a dash of lime, ginger, beetroot or any other natural fruit to make it one of the best detox drinks ever.

  1. Cucumber Juice

Vegetables like cucumber are rich in water, and thus they keep your stomach full by reducing your appetite. They are very low in calories as well. The high amounts of water and fiber in cucumber help you stay protected against various ailments as they help in boosting your immunity. It keeps your tummy clean as well as it is a great detox agent. Fresh cucumber, when mixed with a little cilantro, lime, ginger or buttermilk is a highly refreshing summer drink. If you don’t like cucumber, you can make juice out of any water-rich fruit like watermelon, for the same results.

  1. Spinach juice

Spinach is a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, iron and other nutrients. It boosts your metabolism rate by generating heat in your body. Due to this, the liver becomes highly efficient in breaking down the fats quickly, instead of accumulating it in places like your belly. A glass of spinach juice every day can also make your skin clear and prevent problems like acne, blackheads, etc. If plain spinach juice tastes bland, you can add a dash of lime or ginger and mix any other fruit like apple or pineapple for unique flavor.

  1. Lemon & Ginger

This is one of the easiest and commonly suggested drinks for weight loss, especially for knocking off the flab around your belly. Lemon and ginger are commonly available ingredients, and you can blend them both with lukewarm water to make a refreshing drink. Add honey or coriander leaves for additional taste. You can have this drink several times a day for best results.

  1. Bitter gourd Juice

As much as you hate bitter gourd, you need to understand that it is a wonder-vegetable for boosting metabolism and burning fats quickly in your body. Bitter gourd increases your liver’s capacity to secrete bile, which helps in digestion and detoxifying your stomach. Bitter gourds are highly nutritious but very low in calories. Therefore, you have to drink a glass of this juice, preferably on an empty stomach in the mornings, to see a visible reduction in belly fat.

If your exercises and diet pattern don’t bring about changes in the fat in your belly area, it means that you haven’t been drinking these juices regularly.

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