If you are looking to improve your sex life and would like to turn to dietary supplements for men or male health products, chances are you will come across Androzene.
It is a male enhancement supplement sold online. If you are planning to buy and take this product, it’s a good thing to look for Androzene reviews first.
Reading a comprehensive review can guide you towards purchasing the right product for you. This article can give you a detailed overview of Androzene.
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What is Androzene?
As mentioned above, it is a male enhancement supplement. It aims to improve a man’s sex life by boosting their energy and elevating their mood.
It consists of herbal ingredients that work together to increase sexual stamina, mood, and blood flow for better erection.
TOP Male Enhancement Products:
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Best Androzene Alternative
It’s not a secret. Androzene is far from being a product we love. All its negative reviews make it a bad option. Hopefully, we have a great alternative. Learn about it here.
Who makes Androzene?
When searching for a product online, it is always a good thing to check the credibility of its manufacturer. Manufacturers usually reflect their product.
Androzene’s manufacturer is a Beverly, MA-based company called Health Club Diet. The good thing about this company is that details such as their contact number and address can easily be found.
However, it seems that a quick search about the company reveals their involvement in lawsuits due to shady business practices, a number of side effects, and false claims.
Who should take Androzene?
Androzene is a type of mood enhancement pills for men who want to improve their sex life. It increases sexual stamina and provides longer and better erections.
This is perfect for adult males who suffer erectile dysfunction. On the other hand, it is not recommended for young men below 30 to take this product.
As with all stamina supplements, it is always a good thing to consult with your physician before taking the product.
How does Androzene work?
Androzene works by using a unique system called AnroPhase delivery system. This ensures that the ingredients of Androzene stay in the user’s system for a longer period of time.
This means longer and better erections leading to a much better sex life.
Androzene Ingredients
It is also important to take note of the ingredients that make up a dietary supplement. Here are the Androzene ingredients:
1. Niacin
It has the ability to relax muscle tissue and expand blood vessels. Niacin is also used to treat erectile dysfunction.
2. Guarana seed extract
This helps users maintain their weight. It is also a stimulant used to improve athletic performance and increase energy.
3. Taurine
Taurine is usually found in energy drinks. It improves cardiovascular and metabolic health as well as promote electrolyte balance.
4. Ginkgo biloba extract
This boosts erection by increasing blood flow to the penis. Ginkgo biloba also promotes energy and strength.
5. Saw Palmetto
Saw Palmetto is used to prevent testosterone from becoming into DHT. A DHT is a hormone that has the ability to enlarge the prostrate.
6. Nettle root extract
This improves erections and helps those with erectile dysfunction. It is also used to treat a number of ailments such as urination problems, lung congestions, anemia, and kidney stones.
7. Caltrops
This is a natural hormone booster. This is also a popular supplement for body builders who want to increase body mass.
8. Yohimbe extract
This is used to boost testosterone and sexual performance of men.
9. Eleuthero root extract
This is an ingredient that is considered as a treatment for conditions associated with the heart and blood vessels.
10. Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa extract
This is used to promote blood flow to the penis, thus enabling longer erections.
All these ingredients are considered a dangerous mix of herbs and other stimulants. There are also no details about the exact amount of these ingredients found in a pill.
Androzene Side Effects
As with other dietary supplements, it has its side effects. The manufacturer says otherwise, but many users stated experiencing side effects.
Some users revealed having experienced side effects such as agitation, high-blood pressure, kidney failure, heart attack, dizziness, sleeping problems, stomach problems, and nausea.
Having all of these side effects make you question if using Androzene is worth it.
Androzene Dosage
According to the official website, it is meant to be taken orally one to three times a day, ideally before going to bed or before intimate contact.
It is also recommended to take it on an empty stomach.
Androzene Reviews
It’s also a good thing to look for testimonials which may contain reviews and Androzene complaints.
Most of the Androzene reviews found online are saying one thing. For instance, a user stated that the item did not work and was a complete waste of money. Another comment from a user called the product completely useless.
The website Better Business Bureau has nothing but negative reviews, stating its failure to live up to its expectations, high price, and high caffeine content.
For a company that sells a stamina supplement, this is not a good sign.
- All ingredients are natural.
- It has a 30-day money back guarantee.
- It has a lot of side effects.
- It has lots of negative reviews online.
- The dosage per ingredient is not shown.
- No studies have been conducted to prove its efficiency.
Where to Buy
Androzene can be bought directly from their website. You can also get it from Amazon.
Androzene Coupon Code
A bottle of 90 tablets is sold at $124.99 (shipping excluded). It also offers a 30-day money back guarantee.
Does It Really Work or Is it a Scam?
Just by looking at the lists above, the disadvantages clearly outweigh the advantages. The company that manufactures Androzene is currently battling lawsuits for various reasons. One of these is having false claims. This is not good for a company that sells dietary supplements.
The number of side effects is also alarming. To suffer from agitation, high-blood pressure, kidney failure, heart attack, etc. in exchange for longer erection is not worth it for some people considering that there are other products with lesser to no side effects.
Also, a majority of the comments and reviews of people who used it online are written in a bad light.
Androzene is a product that can offer you a boost in sexual life. However, there are other similar products online that offer the same benefits but with better results and lesser side effects.
Latest Comments:
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by Robin R. review for Androzene
I didn’t feel much difference. I can be more energetic than this by eating an exotic aphrodisiac.
by Gerard F. review for Androzene
It’s a little bit too expensive, and the customer service is a bummer. The product is okay.
by Mark C. review for Androzene
It’s ok. But honestly, there are other supplements out there with much bettter results.
by Andrew S. review for Androzene
I won’t call it a male enhancement formula. There are better supplements than this. However, if you’re into sports and you need a lot of stamina, then this product is for you. Perhaps the company should chage their branding?
by Matthew B. review for Androzene
Yes, it works in bed. But the positives ain’t nothing compared to the negatives. I experienced hyperactivity, irregular hearbeat, and anxiety. Be careful in using this product.