Metabolism Miracle Reviews (2025 UPDATE): Is It Effective Enough?


What Is The Metabolism Miracle?

The Metabolism Miracle is a diet program that claims to easily help you in regaining control of your weight.

The program, detailed in a book of the same name, tackles metabolism as a whole and why some people find it hard to lose weight even after trying almost everything.

According to this diet plan, you will only need to follow three stages so that you’ll be able to control your carbs intake. It also guides you in reprogramming your body’s metabolism process.

There are also recipes included inside the The Metabolism Miracle book which you can use in maintaining a healthy eating habit.

Metabolism Miracle


Who Makes The Metabolism Miracle?

The book and the program behind this diet are created by a registered dietitian named Diane Kress. She is also a certified educator on diabetes and an expert in fields such as obesity and weight loss.

If you are trying to look for additional information thru their website, you’ll surely be disappointed. The site’s readability is just a major turn-off and it loads too slowly, with errors always being encountered on various pages.

The contact page does not offer anything, it’s just a black page so there’s no way to reach them if you have any questions about the book or the program. The best way might be to just contact Diane Kress directly, although she doesn’t have an official website either.

Best Metabolism Miracle Alternative

Due to all the negative reviews about The Metabolism Miracle, we’ve been looking for a competitive diet program that was proven more effective. We checked several of them with deception, and finally came around a real effective diet program. You can read its review HERE.

How Does The Metabolism Miracle Work?

The Metabolism Miracle works in three stages or phases:

First Phase – The starting point or the basics, this step is compared to spring cleaning for the body. It will last for eight weeks which is also the period of watching out your carb intake. This is all the time for the liver and pancreas to rest as fat cells are being shrunk off.

The carbohydrates will only be controlled temporarily so that the blood sugar will be able to run more smoothly. According to the book, this stage is considered to be the toughest, especially on its first three days.

Eating is allowed whenever you are feeling hungry, just as long as the portion size remains normal. The book will include a list of the foods that you can eat while in this stage.

Second Phase – This part is where you’ll be allowed to transition or bring back healthy carbs into your diet plan. It will also last for eight weeks or could be longer. It’s up for you to decide depending on how much weight you are aiming to lose.

In this stage, the liver and pancreas will be gently restarted. You will also need to measure your weight and body once a month. Carbs will be slowly and carefully reintroduced, as well as the recommended time to eat them. This ensures that the carbs won’t be added hastily, which will prevent you from gaining weight too rapidly.

Final Phase – The final step is all about maintaining the weight permanently. This is also where you will be allowed to eat more carbs while still making sure that you remain healthy and with ideal energy levels.

This stage should be started once you’re able to reach your target weight. Your carbs allowance should only be 30% to 35% of your total caloric intake.

The Other Parts Of The Metabolism Miracle

Aside from the three primary stages, there are also other things that you need to remember and do while on The Metabolism Miracle diet program.

Here are some food rules to keep in mind:

  • You may consume allowed foods freely, but not in excess.
  • Water intake of 64 ounces per day should be followed.
  • Take the recommended supplements and vitamins every day.
  • Eat a meal or snack at least once every five hours.
  • Sweeteners must be chosen carefully. Sucralose is highly recommended.
  • You may also consider taking green tea every day to boost weight loss.
  • Make it a habit to read food and product labels first before consuming them so you’ll know the carb content.
  • Physical activities are recommended. Five times a week, 30 minutes each session is ideal.
  • Don’t forget to relax and take it slow at least for a few minutes a day.
  • Always think positively.

Here’s a list of some of the foods that are recommended for consumption while on the Metabolism Miracle diet program:

  • low fat cottage cheese
  • green tea
  • egg whites
  • lean beef
  • fish
  • Splenda
  • dark chocolate
  • asparagus
  • strawberries
  • apple
  • chicken breast
  • broccoli
  • turkey
  • cucumber
  • bacon
  • lettuce
  • almonds
  • tomato
  • peanut butter
  • spinach
  • low-carb bread
  • eggplant
  • wild rice
  • cauliflower

The Metabolism Miracle Side Effects

While it may be true that a low carb diet may be effective in helping you lose weight, this has also raised some concerns because this will restrict your fiber intake in return.

Dietary fiber is a type of carbohydrate that’s essential in maintaining healthy digestion, body weight, and cholesterol levels. If you plan on going through The Metabolism Miracle diet plan, it will mean that your fiber intake will be lower and can possibly lead to:

  • elevated cholesterol
  • irregular digestion
  • chronic disease
  • weight gain

Metabolism Miracle Reviews

So, what kind of reviews on The Metabolism Miracle can you find online? There are users who find this program really tough, especially during the first stage. It’s really a challenging diet plan and definitely not for everybody.

There are various reviews on Amazon that rated the book poorly. One user even claimed it to be similar to the Atkins diet. Another reviewer who happened to be a nurse said that the book is a bit hard to understand for people who are not knowledgeable in medical terms.

Metabolism Miracle reviews

Where To Buy The Metabolism Miracle?

The book (paperback format) is available on Amazon at the price of $10.35. The official website also has an option to order it although the page does not seem to load whenever we tried on clicking it.


Does The Metabolism Miracle Really Work Or Is It A Scam?

If you do not intend to stay on this diet permanently, we suggest to just skip The Metabolism Miracle and look for another diet program instead.

This program will require you to aggressively cut back on carb intake and then you’ll have to stay on that track for as long as you want to maintain your weight. This seems to be very difficult for a lot of people.

You can always find another diet program with proper fiber intake, while also helping you to lose those unwanted fats.

Latest Comments:

Sorted by: Most Recent

by Ida Mcninch review for Metabolism Miracle

I really don’t like diet programs like this. This is too restrictive! Live life, for heaven’s sake.

by Paulina Marengo review for Metabolism Miracle

I don’t follow the program religiously. It’s just too strict, and I don’t enjoy the food. Dieting should be something that you enjoy.

by Aletha L. review for Metabolism Miracle

I lost 10 pounds after a month! Wow!

by Frederick Joaquin review for Metabolism Miracle

This plan works and my beer belly got smaller. But you’ll have to get used in eating a lot of grains, vegetables, and fruit. Goodbye turkey!

by Reinaldo Evenson review for Metabolism Miracle

Tried this program for a week. Can’t take it. It’s an overload of vegetables.

by Ray A. review for Metabolism Miracle

Too much vegetables and fiber. It’s not really for people who want to grow lean muscles.

by Ann Pang review for Metabolism Miracle

It’s a fine meal guide. Check out the recipe book. They have great recipes.

Submit Your Metabolism Miracle Review:

Do you have experiences with Metabolism Miracle? Does it work? Were you satisfied with the results? Please share your thoughts, review and rate the product and help others!